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塗鴉在印度 街頭藝術改變了古老城市




當街頭藝術家Ranjit Dahiya 和 Yantr 將印度電影之父Dadasaheb Phalke 的肖像畫在牆面上之後,這幅全印度最大的塗鴉,立刻成為眾所矚目的焦點,原本不羈的街頭藝術在印度重新被定義,為老城市帶來新氣象。



同樣被街頭塗鴉改變的還有印度最古老的商品市場—Shankar Market,這個小市場因為附近購物中心的興起,生意慘淡不已,在參加一項由街頭藝術組織Delhi Street Art (DSA)所舉辦的老城復興計畫之後,成功的把傳統市場重新帶回大眾視野。

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@ladyaiko_nyc for St+art Delhi 2015 #startthrowback . 📸 @_tahska In 2015, renowned Japanese artist Lady Aiko painted one of the first wall's in Lodhi Colony. The 2015 festival laid the foundations for the conceptualisation of the Lodhi Art District which was formed in the 2016 festival in Delhi. Lady Aiko is recognized as one of the most important female street artists and for her first ever piece in India, she wanted to paint the image of a strong, independent woman character who was recognised unanimously through India's history. AIKO wanted to create a work that would raise awareness to reduce violence against women and children in India. After a lot of research material provided by the team and several inputs from our curator @giulia_ambrogi , Aiko decided to paint the image of Rani Lakshmi Bai – commonly known as Jhansi ki Rani, who was an integral part of the revolt of 1857 which led to India's independence. Legend has it that Lakshmibai rode into battle with her son strapped on her back, to ensure the British could not kill him and size her throne after her demise. This iconic image resonated with Lady Aiko, and was painted in Lodhi Colony. Since Aiko's work is intricate and involved several stencils, a team of 15 volunteers helped cut the individual stencils which were required for the overall composition, and eventually also assisted Aiko on finishing up the wall. The project was made possible with the generous support of #thejapanfoundationdelhi . #artforall #startindia #startdelhi #PublicArt #asianpaints

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在德里的Khanna Market and Meher Chand Market,同樣也參與了由街頭藝術家發起的傳統改造計畫,這次,街頭塗鴉將市場變成了印度第一個藝術街區。


除此之外,在2014年,印度舉辦了國內首次的街頭藝術節,讓印度人開始認識這種街頭上的藝術,得到的回響十分熱烈,也促成「St+art India Foundation」非盈利組織的成立,St+art成立之後,在印度各個城市推動街頭藝術,讓大家更進一步認識這種形式的藝術。如今,塗鴉在印度這座城市,不只有單純的藝術欣賞跟表達立場,同時也積極參與城市的街道改造計畫,為印度帶來繽紛色彩的希望。


買藝術、玩設計、聽課程,成為<瘋設計會員>,美學素養立刻Level Up!

這篇文章 塗鴉在印度 街頭藝術改變了古老城市 最早出現於 城市美學新態度kaiak.tw

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